Sonotube Finish Free concrete forms produce exceptionally smooth columns that require no manual finishing.
Sonoco applies a proprietary coating to the inside of its Finish Free tubes, eliminating spiral marks and seams that would otherwise be left on the finished surface of the concrete. This results in significant cost savings through the elimination of the labor and materials required to finish columns.
Sonotube concrete forms now feature a quick, safe and convenient way to remove the forms after the concrete sets. The StripCord™ stripping filament eliminates the time-consuming process of cutting the form away. Sonotube Finish Free concrete forms are manufactured with the StripCord filament mounted inside the tube. When pulled with a hammer, pry bar or other tool handle, the StripCord strap cuts right through the form wall. Now the form can be removed without marring the surface of the column.
Sonoco engineers applied a century of leadership in design, technology and manufacturing to create a high-strength, rain-resistant design for Sonotube forms. The technology allowed Sonoco to reduce the weight of the forms, making them easier to handle, set, strip and discard. And now with RainGuard technology, Sonotube forms stand strong even in wet weather—allowing contractors to set today and pour tomorrow.
The superior strength-to-weight properties of Sonotube concrete forms prevent blowouts and may eliminate the need to use a crane during setup. Contractors around the world know Sonotube concrete forms stand strong in their superior technology and value.
Enter your column dimensions and number of columns to help you determine how much concrete you need for your next project.
For product information or to find a distributor near you, please contact us at the link below or call 888-766-8823.